Tuscaloosa Criminal Defense
Your Advocate in Court and in Negotiation Since 1974
For many people, the first time they need to hire a lawyer is the first time they have been either charged with a crime or injured in an accident. It is an emotional time. It can be a frightening time. My name is Joel L. Sogol and I have been a litigator since 1974. That means I don’t just threaten the prosecution with going to court — it means I actually go to court to defend my clients’ rights. My extensive trial experience includes both civil and criminal litigation and appeals in the Alabama and federal appellate courts.
When an attorney spends a lot of time in court, the opposing side can be more willing to negotiate. It’s a win-win situation.
My clients range from business executives charged with sexual assault, to University of Alabama students arrested for drug trafficking, to a retiree injured in a car accident. The thing these people all have in common is that they need a good trial lawyer.

PERSONAL INJURY get the compensation &
justice you deserve!

CRIMINAL DEFENSE we work for YOU and
YOUR rights!
West Central Alabama State and
Federal Drug Crimes Attorney
The good news about the war on drugs is that it brought increased awareness to everyone’s attention. America realized that drugs were not found only in dark alleys and slums. They were found in the suburbs, in high schools and at the country club. The bad news about the war on drugs is that it created mandatory sentencing, steep penalties and filled our prisons with first-time offenders.
My job as a Tuscaloosa criminal defense attorney fighting drug charges is to work very hard to keep you out of jail and keep your record clean.